
Plans Underway for Mountain Biking Trails in the L&A County Forest

Rob Plumley

Big changes are coming soon to one of Lennox & Addington's County Forest properties. This spring, a series of mountain biking trails will be developed within the forest in the quiet hamlet of Flinton in Addington Highlands. 

Staff Picks: My Lovely Wife


Fans of Paula Hawkins, Clare Mackintosh or Ruth Ware should read ahead for Marg Wood's review of My Lovely Wife, a novel of psychological suspense that will be arriving at the library soon:

The soon to be released debut novel My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing may just be the guilty reading please of 2019! It is an extremely dark, twisted and compulsively readable tale of the seemingly perfect couple next door who are anything but perfect.

Museums - What’s Not To Love!

Joanne Himmelman

Is it conceivable that not everyone loves history? Is it possible for anyone to look at a pair of women’s gloves or shoes from the 1920’s and not imagine who wore them and what fantastic party they went to? I didn’t think so, but sadly, it’s true – not everyone cares. The curator in me rises up and I am challenged. I must help the non-caring and must show them the beauty in the living history that surrounds us, the material culture left behind for us to touch, the photographs and diaries that shed light on day to day activities from our past.

Staff Picks: Nightfall Berlin


Andree recently enjoyed Nightfall Berlin by Jack Grimwood, which she described as "a smartly written novel that moves at break-neck speed." Read her review here:

Books for Marie Kondo fans


The breakout success of Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and subsequent Netflix show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo has sparked a huge interest in the topics of decluttering and minimalism. If you’ve enjoyed the television show, then I suggest your check out Kondo’s books but if you’ve already read Kondo’s books, you may be interested trying out some of the titles listed below.

Staff Picks: Homes


Kelly recently read Homes: A Refugee Story, written by 15-year-old Abu Bakr al Rabeeah as he recounts what it was like to spend his childhood in the middle of a civil war. Read her review here:

Coming soon!


Want to know what exciting new book releases to watch out for in the coming months? The following titles are not quite released yet, but they are worth keeping an eye out for. Fortunately, you can reserve them today by visiting our catalogue and placing a hold.

Inspiration & Learning

Amber Meyer

In my job, I have the wonderful constant reminder that learning is not just for kids and that a Museum is a perfect venue to learn so many different things! Everyone has the opportunity to learn something new, whether it be in a new place or a place you have visited many times before.

Staff Picks: The Girl From Blind River


Jennifer recently enjoyed The Girl from Blind River by Gale Massey, a book she describes as gritty, poetic and suspenseful. Read her review below. 

Attention all parents and caregivers in Prince Edward - Lennox and Addington Counties


Complete the survey to share your thoughts on ways to strengthen the child care and early years system in our communities. All parents and caregivers in Prince Edward - Lennox and Addington are welcome to participate.

Complete the survey for a chance to win a VISA gift card!

***Complete the survey here***


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