I grew up on a little side road off Highway 41 north of Selby. In my opinion I had just about the best childhood a kid could have. I went looking for wild flowers in the Spring and can still remember where the dogwood violets and trilliums could be found.

I excelled at calling cows. I played back in the creek, caught minnows and frogs. I dug worms beside the pig pen so I could go fishing with my brother because if I didn’t dig the worms, I couldn’t go fishing.

In the winter we skated on the swamp. I remember getting in trouble for filling my brother’s boots with snow for goal posts. 

In saying all this, there was one thing I was wanting - a horse. My best friend Sheila had a horse and I really, really wanted one too. My Dad, a very practical man, felt horses were a waste of hay but I finally wore him down. He made the purchase of a fine pony at the Selby Sales Barn which I immediately named Ginger. 

Reality soon set in as Ginger proved to be a wild beast from Hell, biting and kicking anyone who attempted to put a saddle on its back. My brother's first attempt at riding Ginger found him covered in dirt and bruises after being dragged around the barnyard. Needless to say, the next sales barn day Ginger was back for sale. I never again asked for a horse and I learned a valuable lesson in parenting...


~ Do you have any stories of life on the farm in L&A? We'd love to hear them! ~

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