
Staff Picks: Fahrenheit 451


Shelby from the Napanee Branch suggests you give the classic novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury a try before its adaptation is released in theatres.

Staff Picks: The Grave’s a Fine and Private Place


Karen Scott, Coordinator of the Library's Bath Branch, recently enjoyed The Grave’s a Fine and Private Place, Alan Bradley's latest release. 

What's new in March!


Interested to hear what book releases are creating a buzz this month? The following are a few ‘hot off the press’ or ‘almost off the press’ books that you may want to keep on your radar. 

Staff Picks: Outliers


Caitlyn, a student Page at the Napanee Branch, recently enjoyed Outliers: the Story of Successone of Malcolm Gladwell's bestselling books. Here is her review:

Learn the history of fiddle music in Canada at the Museum on March 20th

Rob Plumley

Fans of traditional Canadian fiddle music are in for a treat at the next edition of Tuesday Night at the Museum. On Tuesday, March 20th at 7pm, The Irish Trio presents the History of Fiddle Music in Canada.

Staff Picks: Still Me


Kristin reviews Still Me, the latest book by beloved chick-lit writer Jojo Moyes, author of the bestselling Me Before You

Can't remember a book's title?


Maybe you read and loved a book a long, long time ago but can’t recall its title. Or maybe you noticed an intriguing book on television or in a magazine, but you didn’t think to write it down. You can picture that the cover is blue and some basic elements about the plot may come to mind, but that’s as far as your memory will take you. We’ve all been there!



February is Black History Month! To celebrate, many readers who are active on social media channels are declaring a #ReadingBlackout—that is, prioritizing the reading of books written by black authors for the month. This movement was started by a BookTuber (definition: a person who dedicates their YouTube channel to reviewing and talking about books) named Denise D. Cooper.

Staff Picks: Ready Player One


With it's movie adaptation release just around the corner, now is the time to enjoy Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Caitlyn, a Library Page at our Napanee Branch, reviews this genre-bending class below.

Make your own hand felted shamrocks at Museum Kids on March 3rd

Rob Plumley

It's a St. Patrick’s Day-inspired edition of Museum Kids on Saturday, March 3rd at 10am. Adelle Webster from Glocca Morra Farms will be on hand to help kids make their very own hand felted shamrock brooch. 

Felting is the art of sticking wool fibres together with the use of a needle and foam block. The wool locks itself together with multiple punctures and becomes firm and pliable enough to create shapes and sculptures. Children aged 4-plus, with the assistance of a parent or guardian, will enjoy working on this fun craft.