Prince Edward - Lennox and Addington Social Services (PELASS) helps parents and caregivers find quality licensed child care; provides information on available financial supports to access licensed care such as the child care fee subsidy; and helps you find other supports (e.g. child and family programs; services for children with special needs).

The County of Lennox and Addington is designated as the "child care and early years’ service system manager" under provincial legislation for the Counties of Prince Edward and Lennox and Addington and provides Children's Services through its Prince Edward - Lennox and Addington Social Services (PELASS) Department. The Children's Services division of PELASS is responsible for planning and managing a broad range of child care and early years’ service across Prince Edward and Lennox and Addington Counties.

We're responsible for planning and managing a broad range of child care and early years services across Prince Edward and Lennox & Addington Counties.

Children’s Services provides child care and early years services such as:

  • fee subsidy,
  • wage enhancement,
  • EarlyON Child and Family Programs, and,
  • special needs resourcing.

Working with local services providers and community partners in matters of support, communication, strategic direction, and financial assistance helps us ensure that the needs of children and families in our community are met.


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