14775 Front Road, Amherst Island

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Topsy Farms land, on the north-west corner of Amherst Island, includes over 200 acres of bushland, part of a large forest network covering a good portion of the island. It abounds with natural life, and continues to the western shoreline on our farm, the ‘bluffs’, where cannons once stood during the war of 1812. Hike re-established pathways first used by deer, then cleared by several generations of farmers to gather firewood and to work our venerable Sugar Shack.

Topsy offers a groomed 2 km trail to the Sugar Shack year-round and later intends to open a 6 km hike to the bluffs. At present, work is planned to drain the access area that is too wet without boots. Depending on the season, you might see lambs being birthed in adjacent fields, or frolicking; you will see avian and wildlife. This is a ‘take only pictures; leave only footprints’ situation. There are no facilities available on the trail. Topsy Farms reserves the right to close the trails for safety concerns.

We ask hikers to register at the Wool Shed, to take farm contact numbers in case of need, and to donate $10/person to help maintain the trails.
