The Village Green Long Term Care home is located in the small hamlet of Selby. In 2020 little did we know that our world would take a dramatic change. The home is the residence of 66 seniors and employs 85 staff. The change of course would be in the form of a pandemic. 

Many emotions have surfaced during this frightening world wide COVID-19 virus. Together, the team and residents readied the great ship to do battle against this deadly enemy. Pioneers in doing battle the residents had the greatest understanding in how important it was to prepare, join together and stand hand to hand to keep COVID-19 out of the building.

Armed with personal protective equipment, strong strategies, bolting down the hatch and tearful moments of missing loved ones , nothing but a strong constitution could keep us safe. In truth we are afraid but with a display of incredible community support, love, kindness and generosity we continue to keep the ship on path.

We have been blessed with so many donations to help in this fight. Every member of the team has been amazing, working hard, providing incredible care, and never loosing hope. It has certainly tested every person, and wearing masks a common practice. Daily we receive an abundance of communication, orders, directives, guidance, teleconferences, team huddles, resident gatherings, family connections, to help improve our battle plan. 

We cannot see this enemy but only pray that we can keep it off the ship. With great appreciation , love and thankfulness we extend our blessing to all members of our community , we feel very blessed.


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